Hot and Very Muddy

woodland view with bracken in front and trees in background
Woodland view at Contin

Normally my humum writes these blogs – but I decided I’m taking over today. Hello, it’s me, Willow, the 10 and a bit year old tripawd Labrador.

Well the other day my humans came up with a great idea – lets take Willow to Contin for a walk. I think my hudad mumbled something about there not being any water there for me to swim in. Hmm.

Anyway we arrived and it wasn’t too busy. So off we hop down one of the paths. But I’m not stupid, I know that’s just a short 15 minute walk, so you can forget that. With lots of cunning I just carried on one path and hoped they’d not click that we had now deviated from the “official” path. See, if you brazen it out and pretend you know what you’re doing you will get away with it.

woodland view with lilac heather in foreground and trees in background
Woodland view
No Splashes for me

Oh, what’s that sound? Waterfall! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes – swims. Oh no. Do you know what they did? They wouldn’t let me go and have a splash – something about it being “too steep”. Aye, perhaps for them, but for a skilled 3-legged explorer like myself – not a problem, let me assure you of that. Not like my humum, she was told to be careful too, when she was taking her photos, but then she does sometimes fall in the woods – you know the excuses “it was muddy, I slipped”, “the bit of grass I landed on just gave way”.

Waterfall at Contin woodland
Waterfall at Contin woodland
Willow the fox red Labrador at edge of path - she's clean!
The clean Willow

What are they saying? Oh, the path is closed for logging works. Go back the way we came or go the longer route? You know me, always happy to explore – lets just go the longer way. Oh, the obligatory photo to prove I am sometimes clean – what a cheek, just because I like a fully immersive experience on a walk.

Bit of a boring path this, for an intrepid explorer like myself, but then normally this would be used by vehicles not just dogs. Ah, wait, stay cool, pretend it’s not there. They haven’t noticed. Take them by surprise, that’s the best strategy. Yahoo, splash! Great, lots of mud. You know, they’re right, you just can’t beat a mudbath. Willow, that’s right, that’s my name, stop wearing it out. I can hear you hudad, you don’t need to shout. Yes, humum it is muddy.

Great, I come out and humum wants a photo. I think its to show just how muddy I was. Do you know, it really was a great pond. Hmm, I wonder. Go for it girl, you can do it, hudad hasn’t realised and humum is taking photos. Splash. Ahh bliss. I don’t know why they don’t join me, you don’t often get mud this good. Yes humum I am very cheeky, but just let me have a wee shake.

Another path, an interesting through the woods type path, I wonder where it goes? What do mean, I can’t go. The sad, pleading face, isn’t working. Oh well, back to the road. Still, there are some beautiful trees and plants around here.

Now, what’s she saying? Ah, yes, now she’s talking – the stones in the road are very nice, yes, that’s correct humum, they are loaded with mica, and yes, it is glinting in the sun. Go, on get a photo. Well done, now, have you noticed that slivers of mica there? Good you have. Happy to oblige.

Mica encrusted rock
Mica encrusted rock
Pawprints on a footpath
Pawprints on a footpath

Well it was here, of course I was going to jump in. What’s the problem? It’s lovely, and refreshing, and really cooling too. Oh, so it’s muddy. Big deal. Yes, you are right, I could find water in the desert. Anyway, I had to jump in as my humum always says how much she wants photos of my pawprints. OK, it’s not along a sandy seashore, but what’s wrong with muddy pawprints on a path? Anyway look how many there are, loads, that’s probably because there was lots of mud.

Now, that’s what I call a proper pond. Mind you, it does look a bit clean. And I know, you aren’t going to let me in are you? Aw well, perhaps later.

Great, there’s the car. That really was a long walk, and for the last bit there were no muddy ponds. Lots of promising dips, but no water in them. What does your fitness tracker say? 90 minutes, that’s pretty good, the route map says 2 hours. Oh, you didn’t know it was that long, perhaps that’s because I carefully steered you away from the route map at the start. Home now for my next 2 favourite pastimes – food and sleep.

Willow the fox red Labrador on path looking at pond
Willow doing some wishful thinking

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This blog was originally published on:

8 September 2017

and subsequently modified on:  

4 November 2024