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Out And About

Route of the walk

In The Footsteps

Route of the walk Scotland, this year has had fantastic weather. We’d a great spring which extended into a fantastic summer which has had lots

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First glimpse of Clashach Cove

A Step Back In Time

Colourful beach huts at Hopeman beach I thought I’d step back in time for this blog. Perhaps in more ways than one: this is a

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Two Pitcher Plants

Into The Hot Houses

Cactus and succulent house A couple of weeks ago I covered a trip to the Botanic Gardens in Inverness – but only covered the journey

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a group of several stones, each with a square base and flat circular top, known as Stackle Stones

Coulters Candy

I guess that’s what stepping back in time does – it reminds you of all sorts of childhood memories. This week the open air, Highland

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Old boots hanging beside a wooden background. Each boot contains a plant

Autumn Colours

The old boots I guess it’s that time of year when we’re getting ready to wave goodbye to summer and still awaiting winter. But autumn

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Two township buildings will very short walls and thatched rooves that nearly reach the ground


The Old Cottage and garden It’s quite nice to go back in time. It’s a few years since we’ve visited the Highland Folk Museum at

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combine harvester filling a tractor and trailer with black coloured grain

Bringing In the Harvest

For weeks I’ve been walking past the same field of linseed rape gradually getting ready to harvest. For weeks I’ve been saying “I must get

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Woodland scene with a patch of bluebells under the beech trees

A Day out at Cawdor

I haven’t visited Cawdor Castle for over 20 years. So a day out, wandering round the gardens and taking some photos was a brilliant idea.

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This blog was originally published on:

4 June 2020

and subsequently modified on:  

2 February 2024